Why Grow Food?

Simply put: The pros outweigh the cons by a country mile!

Okay, West Coast Foodscapes doesn’t know exactly what a “country mile” is but we do know that the benefits outweigh any negatives.

Benefits include: 

  • HEALTH. Home grown organic puts the healthiest food possible at your fingertips. Food is fuel to your body so why not use the best fuel available to you?
  • SAVINGS. Reduced trips to the grocery store in your vehicle, meaning less driving (apparently a dangerous activity to begin with!), less pollution, and less money spent on fuel and maintenance-more money in your pocket!
  • MONEY. Even a modest-sized garden box pays itself off in the first season. Beyond that, the same space will be earning you thousands of dollars from what goodies come from your garden over it’s lifetime. Yes, thousands! Seeds are cheap, so once you have you garden built your yearly costs are low but your returns are very high.
  • CONNECTION. Children love gardens. Adults love gardens. Lifelong memories are easily made when the kids and the grown-ups are both out in the yard pulling dandelions or carrots. And connecting with the natural world-those helpful bees and other critters-teaches us valuable lessons about the planet we depend on. 
  • TIME. It’s critically important to make the most of your time-one of your precious gifts. Time ties into all the aforementioned points. Time in the garden, or around the dinner table enjoying your garden’s bounty is time well-spent.

When you choose to grow food or have us grow it for you, it’s a win-win-win! You win, we win, and the broader community wins.