Q: How long does it take to pay off my investment in a garden box?

A: Short answer: ONE SUMMER! …Long answer: Depending on the crops you choose to grow, one to two 3’x8′ garden beds will “pay for itself” in the first year. Additional savings would be found by not having to drive your car to the grocery store (which means less pollution, less wear and tear on the vehicle, more time spent NOT going shopping, more time with family, and more!). Furthermore, you know exactly where your food came from and what went into making it. Once you’ve paid off this initial investment in the garden then you start saving money. A lot of money! 

Q: How much “money” can I earn from that 3’x8′ garden box?

A: You may as well be making money when you grow those edibles after the initial investment is paid off. As a minimum, a standard 3’x8′ box can easily grow $400+   worth of veggies and fruit in just in the summer months alone. And seeds for the box will cost you typically $25-50 (or nothing if you save your own!) So, in the estimated 15+ years of life in a cedar garden box that $400 would be $6,000 from one vegetable box! And again, this doesn’t factor in fewer drives to the grocery store, your time, and more.

Q: What size boxes are available?

A: We will customize box dimensions to suit your needs but typically, garden boxes are 2-4′ wide for ease of access to the plants, 6-10′ long and anywhere from 6″-24″ high. Bad backs and wheelchair limitations may warrant the taller beds (or custom designs) but it’s also just convenient for the user. A box with a 17″ height would be a minimum in these cases. If there is such a thing as a “standard size” box, it would be 3’x8′ or 4’x8′. To make budgeting easier for you, we have provided you with prices of some of our chosen sample dimensions. Depending on the project, the cost varies according to the amount of lumber used and materials used. 

Q: Are there coatings/stains available for wood that are safe in my garden.

A: Yes. Shellac and 100% Tung oil are considered “food-safe”. These are often used on cutting boards and cooking utensils. AND, both of these are derived from natural products not harmful chemicals or elements. These protectants are very labour intensive, so much so, we won’t do it! If you choose to use a regular stain or clear coat, we highly recommend only applying it to the outside areas of the garden box, NEVER to the inside.

Q: What do I plant?

A: For some this is the easy part. For others, you have no idea. We are happy to help you out here if you need it. We will plant seeds or seedlings (small plants transplanted into your new garden) and often a combination of the two. 

Q: What is a hoop house or polytunnel?

A: A more affordable version of the traditional greenhouse or glasshouse. More quickly assembled as well, meaning you are growing food sooner and it costs less than a greenhouse. Hoop houses/ polytunnels have multiple benefits including growing plants that like heat as well as extending your growing season well beyond what would otherwise be possible. As well as being able to use materials that keep out unwanted insect pests, birds, etc..

Q: Does the cost increase or decrease alot if I choose a bigger or smaller cedar garden box?

A: If the change is a few feet in either dimension (length or width) than no, the difference  isn’t great. For example, if you choose a 4’x4′ box over a 4’x8′ the difference may be less than 100 dollars. 

Q: What’s the big deal with raised garden beds anyway?

A: There’s no right or wrong when it come to gardening in a raised garden versus a traditional in-ground or ground level bed surface. Each has advantages and disadvantages. For example, it’s alot cheaper to plant directly in the ground but in this case you need to make sure your soil is of growing quality and safe. Often the soil on your property was just fill used to prepare for building your house, NOT for building a productive garden. Raised beds help the soil to drain better and also warm the soil up faster in the spring, which means you are growing food sooner! Raised beds help deter some critters from seeking out your garden. On the other hand, in-ground beds means you are using fewer resources to build your garden and thus cheaper, however the labour involved with getting the beds ready for planting can equalize the difference and without the benefits of having raised beds. And again, ensuring your soil is safe is key here. There are many more reasons why one might choose one over the other. Put simply, we feel the benefits of a raised garden-whether the soil and your plants are bordered by wood, stone, rock, or another material-are many and so we choose to focus on this type. Either way, we’re happy to make your in-ground garden come to life as well.

Q: How long does it take to create my garden?

A: A couple of  beds can be built, planted and ready to grow in a day (this is depending on a number of factors). More complex gardens and/or properties could take several days, or could be built in stages as your resources permit. We will assess your site and your needs during an initial consultation so you have a good idea of approximately how long your garden might take to complete.

Q: Where can I see pictures of West Coast Foodscapes work?

A: Look us up on and like us on Facebook. All our clients’ projects are featured there.