Some Exciting Stuff Happening

Winter has been a busy time for West Coast Foodscapes. There’s plenty to plan for the upcoming growing season and much of the work has already began.

We are working on a demonstration garden for the farmer’s market grounds in Powell River. Why not have food growing in a garden right on the site of a gathering place where people come to buy food from farmers and artisans! So, that’s exactly what Juhli Jobi, manager of the Powell River Farmer’s Market, asked us to do. The garden will come to fruition over several seasons and it will create a social focal point in a space at the market grounds otherwise not very noteworthy at this point. A huge thank you to Juhli for asking us to make this come to life. We’re excited to see how the project evolves.

Another project we’re excited to be working on is a community mixed ornamental/edible garden for the hospital in Powell River. West Coast Foodscapes has designed the garden already, and is contributing to further planning of the project. Vanessa Sparrow, Coordinator for the Powell River Food Security Project, has spearheaded this brilliant proposal which aims to help stream local food into the hospital system as well as, local residential-care housing. The 50’x50′ initial plan for the garden’s footprint will showcase an assortment of mobility-friendly garden beds and paths, featuring fruit trees and bushes, and various ornamental and edible plants. The future plans for this garden in future years is ambitious and very exciting. It’s sure to be a very positive contribution to the city’s already vibrant growing culture. We also want to thank Vanessa (and Juhli again) for including us on this one.

So ya, we’re busy. This is our first full season and it’s already very promising. But we still want to hear from you and help you achieve your food growing dreams, no matter how modest or expansive your vision is. Growing food is so rewarding. So if you’ve been waiting to make it a reality, don’t wait any longer, let’s make it a reality together! Let’s Get You Growing!

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